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Law Office Of Michael D. Payne
Los Angeles Negligent Security & Bar Fight Injury Lawyers

Los Angeles Negligent Security & Bar Fight Injury Lawyers

by | Jan 13, 2020 | Personal Injury

Submitted by the Law Offices of Michael D. Payne

Guys trying to avoid a Bar Fight

We are often contacted by victims assaulted in bars, restaurants and at sporting events. Whether you are a man or woman read this article so you know your rights and know who is responsible if you are assaulted while having a good night out with friends at a bar, restaurant or nightclub in and around Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Orange County or Riverside County. You can also visit us at or contact us here.

Los Angeles Negligent Security & Bar Fight Injury Lawyers

Los Angeles offers many places to visit and have a good time. It has famous places to visit like Hollywood Boulevard and countless night clubs, bars, restaurants and parks. Injuries occur when the security or establishments fail to protect customers. When someone goes out to have fun the last thing they think about is getting hurt, assaulted or injured by another person. Unfortunately, these types of scenarios are common in and around Los Angeles and many victims experience injuries that have traumatic and lasting effects. These cases often happen because there has been a lack of trained and professional security, or overly aggressive security guards at a particular business establishment.

Insufficient security claims or claims of an inadequate amount of security guards arise often from situations listed below:

  • Concerts
  • Sports event
  • Parking lots
  • Restaurants
  • Bars and Nightclubs
  • Shopping Centers

When Is Security Negligent In Los Angeles

A bar, nightclub, restaurant or sporting event may have negligent security if one or more of the following exist:

  • A lack of sufficient security personnel
  • Security personnel that are not properly trained
  • Lack of security on the premises when security should be present
  • Faulty security cameras
  • Insufficient lighting
  • A lack of proper security deployment
  • The establishment fails protect patrons against a foreseeable harm or injury
  • Overly Aggressive security guards
  • Insufficient or inadequate exits, locks, and windows or
  • Large presence of gang activity or illegal activity on the premises

Whose Fault Is it When You Are Assaulted by Security In Los Angeles

A common claim regarding negligent security occurs when security is overly aggressive or violent. These situations come about when hired security is being overly aggressive and causes the injury. Security’s job is to prevent assaults and intervene during fights, not engage and make them worse. While most security are typically refrained from carrying or using weapons, they sometimes turn standard equipment like flashlights into weapons causing harm. When injuries result from bouncer assaults, or overly aggressive security guards you have the right to compensation for your injuries.

What Happens When Security Fails to Protect the Customers Against a Criminal Act

Property owners are negligent when they fail to take reasonable steps to secure the premises against foreseeable criminal acts. If the business and/or surrounding area has a history of criminal acts or assaults, the property owner may have an obligation to provide extra security and lighting on the property. Similarly, night clubs and bars, especially in Los Angeles, sometimes get out of hand with fights, stabbings and shootings. It is the responsibility of security to provide a safe environment for the customers or patrons of the business.

What Types of Injuries Are Caused by Assaults

Injuries caused by negligent security can be both physical and mental. Injuries can range from head injuries and broken bones, to lacerations and brain injuries. Your legal recovery can include compensation for lost wages, pain and suffering and future medical care. Los Angeles negligent security attorney Michael D. Payne can help determine your potential recovery if you have been stabbed, shot or seriously injured as a result of an assault or fight at a bar, concert, restaurant or nightclub.

Experienced Negligent Security and Nightclub Injury Attorneys In Los Angeles

Negligent security cases are hard fought cases and it’s necessary to obtain the help and support of an experienced attorney. If you or someone you know has been injured in Los Angeles due to the lack of security or a bouncer assault or attack by another customer, it’s important to hire the right lawyer. Michael D. Payne has extensive experience regarding negligent security cases and other personal injury cases in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. Call [nap_phone id=”TOLL-FREE-REGULAR-NUMBER-4″] to schedule a free initial consultation regarding your matter or contact us here. We can help.