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Law Office Of Michael D. Payne
Accident And Injury Victims -Think Twice Before You Post To Media

Accident And Injury Victims -Think Twice Before You Post To Media

by | Nov 28, 2020 | Personal Injury

Accident and injury victim should always think twice before posting to social media following a car accident, slip and fall, motorcycle or any type of accident.  Insurance companies can monitor the social media accounts of injury victims.  On some occasions insurance companies will attempt to argue that a person was not injured as severely in an accident as they are claiming because of an innocent picture taken at a birthday party or wedding.  The picture may capture someone wearing heels who claims to have a knee injury.  What a picture may not reveal is that the person in the picture was wearing a flat sole shoe the entire day and only put on a heeled shoe to take a picture. The picture may also capture someone laughing who is claiming to have severe depression as a result of an accident.  However, the picture may not capture the fact that the person depicted laughing was on anti depressants at the time of the picture and had difficulty getting out of bed in the morning. The bottom line is think twice about what you post to your social media account as it may be misinterpreted by the insurance company and used against you to deny or lower the amount of your potential recovery in an accident and injury claim